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Glazing or reglazing a window

To replace it, all the hard, crusty putty has to come out.

Some of it can be picked out and some can be chiseled out. For the really stubborn stuff, try a hot soldering iron. It softens the putty so you can carve through.

With all the putty removed, the old pane can be popped out.

With the old window out, you can see the edge here that the new glass will rest against. We have to clean all this out, to get it ready.

These windows are held in place by metal push-points. They need to be plucked out. Then a little sandpaper to clean up the groove.

tip: Coat the exposed edge with linseed oil. It prevents the wood from soaking up oil from the new glazing compound.

Measure and mark your glass with lines one-eighth of an inch smaller than the window opening. That gives you some wiggle room if the sash isn't square.

The easy way to get the right-sized glass is to buy it pre-cut at the glass store.

To cut your own use a straight-edge and score the glass hard in one pass. With the glass on a sheet of plywood, move the scored line to the edge and snap. If cutting a curve, after scouring the glass then tap lightly undet the glass along the scour.

If you measured right, the glass will slip right in.

Apply puddy then press in new glazing. Secure it with new push points. Then apply puddy and finish with puddy knife.

Let the putty cure for a week or so. Then paint it to make it weatherproof.



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